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St John's Church, Billericay


The brief was to provide a “proper” entrance to the building, recognizing that the majority of people will enter from the car park, while at the same time improving disabled access and WC provision. A new heating system for the whole building was installed at the same time.  


The existing entrance was a simple doorway into the low-ceilinged link between the church and hall.  The new porch uses the extra height of the main part of the church to create a generous volume with full height glazing signalling the entrance to the building. The copper cladding to the upper part reflects the copper faced felt finish to the pyramidal roof of the church.


The whole structure was required to be timber-framed due to the proximity of an underground water course, and therefore the lower parts of the extension are clad in cedar boarding.





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 Thompson Bradford Architects Ltd 2017

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